Burlington Humane Society

Ontario’s Premier No-Kill Shelter

Donate and support us

Adopt a Dog

Adopt a Cat

We are able to help Hundreds of Animals with your Support!!

Please Donate!

Help us make Burlington a Better Place for those Pets needing a forever home.

We rely on your generous support to keep providing the love and care for our animals.  All donations of $20.00 or more receive an income tax receipt.

There are various ways you can donate:


All donations, large or small, are appreciated. You can also donate in honour or memory of a special individual or pet.



Monthly Giving

Make an ongoing commitment by prearranging monthly donations of an amount you choose!



It is possible to ensure your support for the animals continues long into the future with a planned gift in your Will.

Burlington Humane Regular Hours


Sunday – Monday;  Closed

Tuesday – Saturday;  10 am  – 5 pm

Omelette Needs Surgery, Can you Help?

Burlington Humane received a group of adorable 14-week-old puppies from a neighboring community. Among them is a brave little boy named Omelette. He had a noticeable limp.

After a thorough examination, our veterinarian delivered the heartbreaking news that Omelette has been suffering from a chronic femur break.  The vet has advised us that the best course of action for Omelette is to proceed with amputation.  The surgery, along with post-operative care and rehabilitation, is costly, and we need your help to give Omelette the chance he deserves.

Burlington MPP, Natalie Pierre, Reunited with her Missing Cat;

Who was missing for over two years!!

Meet Your Perfect Pet


Animal ID BHUM-A-1458
Type Cat
Gender Female
Breed Domestic Shorthaired
Age 10Y/4M/0W
Location Foster Care


Animal ID BHUM-A-2091
Type Dog
Gender Female
Breed Rottweiler Hound Mixed
Age 6y/1m
Location Foster Program


Animal ID BHUM-A-1950
Type Cat
Gender Male
Breed Domestic Shorthaired
Age 3Y/5M
Location Burlington Humane

The Process of Adopting